The Best of Ed Sheeran para PC
Our app is completely (✓) free, and indeed its need a internet connection to works (✓) low data usage, (✓) easy to use, (✓) modern and user friendly interface, (✓) auto off when you receive phone call. This app have no download music feature, its just stream from the internet.
Thinking Out Loud
I See Fire
The A Team
Small Bump
Lego House
Kiss Me
Photograph (Felix Jaehn Remix)
Tenerife Sea
Give Me Love
All Of The Stars
Cold Coffee
One Night
Little Bird
Shape of You
Edward Christopher Sheeran, (born 17 February 1991) is an English singer, songwriter, guitarist, and record producer. Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, and raised in Framlingham, Suffolk. He attended the Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford as an undergraduate from the age of 18 in 2009. In early 2011, Sheeran independently released the extended play, No. 5 Collaborations Project. After signing with Asylum Records, his debut album, + (read as "plus"), was released in September 2011. It topped the UK and Australian charts, reached number five in the US, and has since been certified seven-times platinum in the UK. The album contains the single "The A Team", which earned him the Ivor Novello Award for Best Song Musically and Lyrically. In 2012, Sheeran won the Brit Awards for Best British Male Solo Artist and British Breakthrough Act. "The A Team" was nominated for Song of the Year at the 2013 Grammy Awards, where he performed the song with Elton John.
His second studio album, x (read as "multiply"), was released in June 2014. It peaked at number one in the UK and the US. In 2015, x won the Brit Award for Album of the Year, and he received the Ivor Novello Award for Songwriter of the Year from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors. His single from x, "Thinking Out Loud", earned him two Grammy Awards at the 2016 ceremony: Song of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance. In May 2016, x was named the second best selling album worldwide in 2015.
Sheeran's third album, ÷ (read as "divide"), was released in March 2017. The album debuted at number one in the UK, the US and other major markets. The first two singles from the album, "Shape of You" and "Castle on the Hill", were released in January 2017 and broke records in a number of countries, including the UK, Australia and Germany, by debuting in the top two positions of the charts. He also became the first artist to have two songs debut in the US top 10 in the same week. By March 2017 Sheeran had accumulated ten top 10 singles from ÷ on the UK Singles Chart, breaking Scottish DJ Calvin Harris's record of most top 10 UK singles from one album. His fourth single from ÷, "Perfect", reached number one in the UK and Australia, while "Perfect Duet", an acoustic version featuring Beyoncé, reached number one in the US. Sheeran appeared on Debrett's 2017 list of the most influential people in the UK.
All the copyright content from this app is exclusively belong to the respectful artist/producers. This app may include cover song and/or low bit rate/non HD songs, radio streaming and other formats. No copyright violation intents for this app, Please buy the original version of song from various music distributors.
Instrucciones de instalación
Cómo instalarlo The Best of Ed Sheeran para PC con BlueStacks
Gracias a BlueStacks podrás ejecutar apps para Android en tu PC. BlueStacks funciona como la clásica interfaz de Android. En lugar de utilizar gestos táctiles, este móvil virtual se controla con el ratón y el teclado.
- En primer lugar, debe instalar el software Bluestacks en su computadora o computadora portátil: descargar BlueStacks
- Después de Bluestacks, ahora debe descargar el archivo APK de The Best of Ed Sheeran: haga clic aquí
- Abra la aplicación Bluestacks ya instalada en su PC / Laptop. En la barra de herramientas de la esquina izquierda, encontrará una opción de Agregar APK. Cargue el archivo APK usando la opción en Bluestacks. Haga clic en eso.
- Te preguntará acerca de la ubicación donde guardaste el APK descargado. En mi caso, lo he guardado en el escritorio, así que estoy seleccionando eso.
- Ahora instalará automáticamente la aplicación en Bluestacks. Encontrará el The Best of Ed Sheeran en la pestaña de aplicaciones en la pantalla principal de la ventana Bluestacks.
- Ahora, ya está todo listo para usar The Best of Ed Sheeran en la PC. Aquí está el The Best of Ed Sheeran que se ejecuta con éxito en mi PC después de la instalación y hace clic en la aplicación.
Cómo instalarlo The Best of Ed Sheeran para PC con Nox App Player
Nox App Player es un programa para ordenador que se encarga de emular un entorno Android para que el usuario pueda jugar a cualquier juego de la Play Store sin necesidad de utilizar un dispositivo móvil. Resulta muy útil para aquellos usuarios que disponen de un dispositivo desfasado o que prefieren aprovechar la potencia de su ordenador en los mejores juegos de Android.
- En primer lugar, debe descargar el reproductor de la aplicación Nox -, haga clic en el software para comenzar la instalación en su computadora / computadora portátil.
- Ahora, descargue el archivo APK de aquí.
- Después de la instalación, abra el reproductor de NOX. En la esquina derecha de la caja de herramientas, encontrará una opción de 'Agregar APK'. Haga clic en esa opción.
- Seleccione No volver a mostrar y haga clic en Sé.
- Debes elegir el APK de la ubicación descargada. Como lo guardé en el escritorio, elijo desde allí. (Si su archivo descargado está en el área de Descargas, seleccione .APK desde allí)
- Nox instalará automáticamente la aplicación. Ábrelo desde la pantalla de inicio del reproductor de la aplicación Nox.
- Luego se le preguntará si desea cambiar su ubicación de 'Mundial' a cualquier ubicación en particular. Inicialmente, elija la opción Más tarde.
- Ahora, está listo para usar la aplicación con algunos enlaces de sitios web preexistentes integrados en la aplicación.
- Nota: Use ESCAPE para regresar a la pantalla de inicio o puede usar los símbolos para operar The Best of Ed Sheeran en PC NOX app player.
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