Traffic Driving School 3D Sim para PC

Valoración: 3,8/5 - ‎1.191 votos
Última versión: 1.0
Descargas: 100.000+
Actualizada: 2025/02/19


Precio: Gratis
Tamaño: 36 MB
Versión actual: 1.0
Nombre de paquete:
Categoría: Simulación
Desarrollador: Knock Solutions
Compatibilidad: Android 2.3 y versiones posteriores
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If you want to spend time on something valuable, then download this city driving game. This city driving game is actually a driving school for learning the car driving, in this driving school game, you will learn how to drive and park your car or jeep. Before taking admission in this driving school, you should know few things, this driving school will help you in learning car driving but you have to practice hard on your own. There are different car driving & jeep driving levels in this driving school game, to be master in car driving; you have to go through all the driving tests. In this city driving game you will practice car driving on the city highway. Every time you break the rule in this city driving game, you will lose the point. And your teachers of driving school will charge you some points after every traffic violation on city highway. Learning car driving in this driving school game is quite easy. The driving lessons in this driving school of city driving game are quite simple, you just have to take your luxury car and start driving on city highway.


If you want to be master in CAR driving, you have to practice it a lot. We have developed this car driving learning game for you. Just hit the download button and start practicing car highway driving. In this car traffic driving game, the highway driving opportunity is what makes this game attractive among the youngster who wants to learn car driving. In this car traffic driving game, when you are out for highway driving, you must check your fuel of luxury car. The reason of giving car driving lessons directly on the highway is because so you get to use of highway driving. This highway driving feature in this car traffic driving game makes this traffic driving game worth playing. In this highway driving game, you will drive car in traffic, and you will follow certain rules of our car driving school. These rules of this driving school are general traffic rules included in this traffic driving game. In this car driving game, you are going to grab the car speed driving opportunity on fast speed cars. In this driving game, you will learn how to drive, moreover, you will get the car racing opportunity. Opportunity of car race in this driving school is for driving and learning purpose, when you get yourself involved in car race, you learn how to drive car in speed with endless traffic on highway.


This game basically simulates a driving academy. This car driving academy game is quite useful for those who love Car driving & Car Parking and wanted to improve their driving & parking skills. After playing this car driving academy game, we assure you can be a car driving master. Actually this car driving academy game is a real life simulation of car driving & car parking. This game is a driving academy game & this is the best driving simulation of all the time, not because of driving simulation quality but because of other driving features. This car driving simulation game on driving learning is best ever game for real life use. As this car driving academy is going to teach you how to master your driving skills actually this driving simulation game is great opportunity of driving practice of luxury cars on the city highway. Let me share good news with you, in this car driving game there is car racing also, this car racing is also for learning purpose. In car racing learning, you have to follow all driving rules and traffic rule. Reason of putting car racing in this driving school is to increase driving interests. In this driving game, you would learn car racing while following all rules. You will go through speed car drive tests as well. Your driving skills would be checked when you are into high speed driving. Best way of checking speed car driving skill is to ask you to participate in car racing competition. Buckle up & Get ready to face all the Traffic Rules Challenges.

Instrucciones de instalación

  1. Cómo instalarlo con BlueStacks
  2. Cómo instalarlo con Nox App Player

Cómo instalarlo Traffic Driving School 3D Sim para PC con BlueStacks

Gracias a BlueStacks podrás ejecutar apps para Android en tu PC. BlueStacks funciona como la clásica interfaz de Android. En lugar de utilizar gestos táctiles, este móvil virtual se controla con el ratón y el teclado.

  1. En primer lugar, debe instalar el software Bluestacks en su computadora o computadora portátil: descargar BlueStacks
  2. Después de Bluestacks, ahora debe descargar el archivo APK de Traffic Driving School 3D Sim: haga clic aquí
  3. Abra la aplicación Bluestacks ya instalada en su PC / Laptop. En la barra de herramientas de la esquina izquierda, encontrará una opción de Agregar APK. Cargue el archivo APK usando la opción en Bluestacks. Haga clic en eso.
  4. Te preguntará acerca de la ubicación donde guardaste el APK descargado. En mi caso, lo he guardado en el escritorio, así que estoy seleccionando eso.
  5. Ahora instalará automáticamente la aplicación en Bluestacks. Encontrará el Traffic Driving School 3D Sim en la pestaña de aplicaciones en la pantalla principal de la ventana Bluestacks.
  6. Ahora, ya está todo listo para usar Traffic Driving School 3D Sim en la PC. Aquí está el Traffic Driving School 3D Sim que se ejecuta con éxito en mi PC después de la instalación y hace clic en la aplicación.

Cómo instalarlo Traffic Driving School 3D Sim para PC con Nox App Player

Nox App Player es un programa para ordenador que se encarga de emular un entorno Android para que el usuario pueda jugar a cualquier juego de la Play Store sin necesidad de utilizar un dispositivo móvil. Resulta muy útil para aquellos usuarios que disponen de un dispositivo desfasado o que prefieren aprovechar la potencia de su ordenador en los mejores juegos de Android.

  1. En primer lugar, debe descargar el reproductor de la aplicación Nox -, haga clic en el software para comenzar la instalación en su computadora / computadora portátil.
  2. Ahora, descargue el archivo APK de aquí.
  3. Después de la instalación, abra el reproductor de NOX. En la esquina derecha de la caja de herramientas, encontrará una opción de 'Agregar APK'. Haga clic en esa opción.
  4. Seleccione No volver a mostrar y haga clic en Sé.
  5. Debes elegir el APK de la ubicación descargada. Como lo guardé en el escritorio, elijo desde allí. (Si su archivo descargado está en el área de Descargas, seleccione .APK desde allí)
  6. Nox instalará automáticamente la aplicación. Ábrelo desde la pantalla de inicio del reproductor de la aplicación Nox.
  7. Luego se le preguntará si desea cambiar su ubicación de 'Mundial' a cualquier ubicación en particular. Inicialmente, elija la opción Más tarde.
  8. Ahora, está listo para usar la aplicación con algunos enlaces de sitios web preexistentes integrados en la aplicación.
  9. Nota: Use ESCAPE para regresar a la pantalla de inicio o puede usar los símbolos para operar Traffic Driving School 3D Sim en PC NOX app player.

Valoraciones y reseñas

3,8 de 5 - 1.191 votos


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