MyApp Demo -Things That Matter para PC

Valoración: 5,0/5 - ‎1 votos
Última versión: 0-9-2
Descargas: 10+
Actualizada: 2025/02/26


Precio: Gratis
Tamaño: 1 MB
Versión actual: 0-9-2
Nombre de paquete:
Categoría: Comunicación
Desarrollador: Samatha LLP
Compatibilidad: Android 2.3 y versiones posteriores
Capturas de pantalla: [ Ver todo ]


1. New website to assist in installation.
2. Startup is faster.
3. View older messages by scrolling to bottom; view newer messages by scrolling to top.

MyApp Demo – All the Information and Communication that you need - in ONE place. Whether message from your child’s school or the service reminder for your vehicle or announcement from the Club you are member of.

Isn't Life about YOU. And things that matter to YOU. With evolving technology, take control of life and make it more meaningful. MyApp – for things that matter to YOU.

NOTE: All the data and information uploaded will be deleted in the demo version regularly.


Are you missing important communications and reminders? With MyApp, you are in touch with meaningful part of your life – your child’s school or college, service reminders and best offers, your club or the Association that you are part of.

How does MyApp help?

FOR COMMUNICATIONS THAT MATTER: Get communication from people and businesses that matter to you. Special service camp announcements from the two-wheeler dealer from whom you bought your vehicle, communication and acknowledgment from your child's school or hobby class or from the organizations that you are associated with..

FOR ALERTS / REMINDERS THAT MATTER: Get reminded and fix appointment for your two-wheeler service or Insurance reminder from your Agent, or even to your UPS or your water-filter serviced on-time, all in One App

FOR OFFERS THAT MATTER: Get the best offers from your favourite places in your City

FOR CONNECTION THAT MATTERS: Now be in touch with the organizations that you are interested.

FOR YOU: MyApp is for you. You decide from whom you want to accept the communication

FOR NEWS THAT MATTERS: It's about news from Local Art Theatres or from your favourite local musician or artist. No just about crime or politics. We have made it very easy for them to keep in touch with you.


Building a mobile app takes time and costs a lot. It does not stop there. Getting people to use it, launching the app in multiple app stores, and upgrading them frequently could take away your focus from your main business. Reaching out to customers and prospects through Mobile platforms, and keeping in touch with them is important for any business today.

It's simple and easy to have your own app on MyApp with AppSite, Messaging and Communication.

Create your own easy App with


Have your own AppSite like a website. No need to know the technical stuff like domain, hosting, ftp, upload, etc. It’s easy to use like any messaging apps.

-Communication That Matters with your Prospects and Customers-

Just like when a customer walks into your shop, and you speak to him and give the details required, your Space allows you to send a message to your prospect or your customer. Got a special offer only for customers, send them the offer through in-app messaging and reach out to them. Get to know who opened the message. Your communication to your customers, any time from your mobile.

-Reach your customer on Mobile with your App-

Wondering how you can send messages on mobile with notifications for your business? We give the power to reach your customers on their mobile through in-app messaging. You customers receive notification, and read your message. You get to know who's read and who has not. Isn't it wonderful!

-Messaging that Matters-

The core of marketing today is reaching out to your prospects and customers, communicating your business USP and getting them to take action. We have made it easy for you to have them on your MyApp Space. We are handing your business communications, back to you. It's no more technology or big marketing strategy. It's just your message to your prospect and customers

-Service or Scheduled Reminders-

If you are a two-wheel dealer, you can now set the service schedule for your customer. MyApp will remind your customer about the scheduled service and he can book it through his MyApp. You get to keep in touch with your customer by sending regular updates and offers. Get to know who has read the message as well.

Instrucciones de instalación

  1. Cómo instalarlo con BlueStacks
  2. Cómo instalarlo con Nox App Player

Cómo instalarlo MyApp Demo -Things That Matter para PC con BlueStacks

Gracias a BlueStacks podrás ejecutar apps para Android en tu PC. BlueStacks funciona como la clásica interfaz de Android. En lugar de utilizar gestos táctiles, este móvil virtual se controla con el ratón y el teclado.

  1. En primer lugar, debe instalar el software Bluestacks en su computadora o computadora portátil: descargar BlueStacks
  2. Después de Bluestacks, ahora debe descargar el archivo APK de MyApp Demo -Things That Matter: haga clic aquí
  3. Abra la aplicación Bluestacks ya instalada en su PC / Laptop. En la barra de herramientas de la esquina izquierda, encontrará una opción de Agregar APK. Cargue el archivo APK usando la opción en Bluestacks. Haga clic en eso.
  4. Te preguntará acerca de la ubicación donde guardaste el APK descargado. En mi caso, lo he guardado en el escritorio, así que estoy seleccionando eso.
  5. Ahora instalará automáticamente la aplicación en Bluestacks. Encontrará el MyApp Demo -Things That Matter en la pestaña de aplicaciones en la pantalla principal de la ventana Bluestacks.
  6. Ahora, ya está todo listo para usar MyApp Demo -Things That Matter en la PC. Aquí está el MyApp Demo -Things That Matter que se ejecuta con éxito en mi PC después de la instalación y hace clic en la aplicación.

Cómo instalarlo MyApp Demo -Things That Matter para PC con Nox App Player

Nox App Player es un programa para ordenador que se encarga de emular un entorno Android para que el usuario pueda jugar a cualquier juego de la Play Store sin necesidad de utilizar un dispositivo móvil. Resulta muy útil para aquellos usuarios que disponen de un dispositivo desfasado o que prefieren aprovechar la potencia de su ordenador en los mejores juegos de Android.

  1. En primer lugar, debe descargar el reproductor de la aplicación Nox -, haga clic en el software para comenzar la instalación en su computadora / computadora portátil.
  2. Ahora, descargue el archivo APK de aquí.
  3. Después de la instalación, abra el reproductor de NOX. En la esquina derecha de la caja de herramientas, encontrará una opción de 'Agregar APK'. Haga clic en esa opción.
  4. Seleccione No volver a mostrar y haga clic en Sé.
  5. Debes elegir el APK de la ubicación descargada. Como lo guardé en el escritorio, elijo desde allí. (Si su archivo descargado está en el área de Descargas, seleccione .APK desde allí)
  6. Nox instalará automáticamente la aplicación. Ábrelo desde la pantalla de inicio del reproductor de la aplicación Nox.
  7. Luego se le preguntará si desea cambiar su ubicación de 'Mundial' a cualquier ubicación en particular. Inicialmente, elija la opción Más tarde.
  8. Ahora, está listo para usar la aplicación con algunos enlaces de sitios web preexistentes integrados en la aplicación.
  9. Nota: Use ESCAPE para regresar a la pantalla de inicio o puede usar los símbolos para operar MyApp Demo -Things That Matter en PC NOX app player.

Valoraciones y reseñas

5,0 de 5 - 1 votos


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