BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) para PC

Valoración: 3,7/5 - ‎37 votos
Última versión: 1.2.3
Descargas: 10.000+
Actualizada: 2025/03/02


Precio: Gratis
Tamaño: 26.2 MB
Versión actual: 1.2.3
Nombre de paquete:
Categoría: Citas
Desarrollador: Beeing Inc.
Compatibilidad: Android 5.0 y versiones posteriores
Permisos: [ Más ]
Capturas de pantalla: [ Ver todo | Video ]


Functional bugs fixed

#Hashtag-based ‘free + unlimited’ dating app♥ Right now, meet soulmates with similar interests! (Chat translation) No problem with making a foreign friend.

'Just 30 second for sign-up' without phone verification and entering unnecessary information.

'If what I like is what you like..'
When you wanna dating with soulmate who takes your fancy, Reveal your tastes on BEEiNG!

'This app is really good at arranging blind date!'
Absolutely-free and unlimited blind dating app 'BEEiNG' is officially launched worldwide.

✔︎Super appropriate dating app! 4 reasons why you 4 reasons you should use 'BEEiNG'

1. Are you tired of entering meaningless profile for matching in vain?

Based on #hashtags in feeds uploaded by users, ‘BEEiNG’ connects friend with same interests. Your own things, favorite places, music, food, etc. From your precious memories to even small tastes♥ Please post the feed abt anything with #hashtag.

2. The most important thing you need on dating - It's conversation, isn’t it?

BEEiNG believes that only through conversation, you can know the other person and relationship progresses. So in ‘BEEiNG’, you can freely send messages to anyone and start chatting with anyone with paying no charges + unlimitedly.

3. Do you want to date with foreign friend but you can't speak thier language?

BEEiNG supports the beginning of love beyond the language barrier. If you use the translation feature within the chat room, the conversation is translated into their native language, and you can chat easily.

4. You've spent a lot of money in other dating apps? it's time to earn the money from BEEiNG.

BEEiNG has a fun activity missions every day. You can earn points when you complete missions, and you can use your earned points for various items during regular events.

✔︎If you fall into any of the categories below, you should definitely try the free + unlimited dating app 'BEEiNG'.

▶ If you are too tired to pay for dating apps
You should stop using dating apps which provide not properly matching. Even you never talked once but they keep paying fees! In BEEiNG, you can enjoy blind date, chatting and search for free and unlimited.

▶ If you want to make soulmate who have the real same interests as you
Your favorite restaurants, songs you listen to every day, your favorite items that others don't know, and snacks I get into these days! Even these kinds of things? To that point, we connect you to your soulmate. In addition, users can find their date partner that suit their preference by searching hashtags.

▶ Those who want to talk immediately with partner who take your fancy
No matter what people says it, Love is timing! Don’t delay today’s feelings until tomorrow. In ‘BEEiNG’, you don't have to wait when you find a friend you like. You can send your message to anyone and chat with them immediately!

▶ Those who want to make foreign friends and soulmates
The world is wide and love can be anywhere. Those who live abroad, those who go abroad, and those who want to meet foreign friends! With BEEiNG’s ‘Chat Translation Function’, the language barrier magically disappears.

✔︎If you can't find your soulmate, dating partner at 'BEEiNG', then you probably won't find it anywhere else.

Like a bee that has been flying between flowers for thousands of years and matched love of flowers, BEEiNG was born for the honey-like love of uses. It is said that the love will last a long time when you meet a person with the same taste as yours. It will be fund and happy. BEEiNG is a dating service app, but what it ultimately want to offer is the joy of connecting you to the right person, the expectations of the progress of your relationship, and the happy imagination. Do BEEiNG right now, FOR starting a honey-like encounter.

✔︎BEEiNG, launched both in Korea and Vietnam at the same time, Currently serviced in 149 countries around the world.

(1) App menu language: Korean, Vietnamese, English
(2) In-app chat language: Translation of all languages in the world

Instrucciones de instalación

  1. Cómo instalarlo con BlueStacks
  2. Cómo instalarlo con Nox App Player

Cómo instalarlo BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) para PC con BlueStacks

Gracias a BlueStacks podrás ejecutar apps para Android en tu PC. BlueStacks funciona como la clásica interfaz de Android. En lugar de utilizar gestos táctiles, este móvil virtual se controla con el ratón y el teclado.

  1. En primer lugar, debe instalar el software Bluestacks en su computadora o computadora portátil: descargar BlueStacks
  2. Después de Bluestacks, ahora debe descargar el archivo APK de BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends): haga clic aquí
  3. Abra la aplicación Bluestacks ya instalada en su PC / Laptop. En la barra de herramientas de la esquina izquierda, encontrará una opción de Agregar APK. Cargue el archivo APK usando la opción en Bluestacks. Haga clic en eso.
  4. Te preguntará acerca de la ubicación donde guardaste el APK descargado. En mi caso, lo he guardado en el escritorio, así que estoy seleccionando eso.
  5. Ahora instalará automáticamente la aplicación en Bluestacks. Encontrará el BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) en la pestaña de aplicaciones en la pantalla principal de la ventana Bluestacks.
  6. Ahora, ya está todo listo para usar BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) en la PC. Aquí está el BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) que se ejecuta con éxito en mi PC después de la instalación y hace clic en la aplicación.

Cómo instalarlo BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) para PC con Nox App Player

Nox App Player es un programa para ordenador que se encarga de emular un entorno Android para que el usuario pueda jugar a cualquier juego de la Play Store sin necesidad de utilizar un dispositivo móvil. Resulta muy útil para aquellos usuarios que disponen de un dispositivo desfasado o que prefieren aprovechar la potencia de su ordenador en los mejores juegos de Android.

  1. En primer lugar, debe descargar el reproductor de la aplicación Nox -, haga clic en el software para comenzar la instalación en su computadora / computadora portátil.
  2. Ahora, descargue el archivo APK de aquí.
  3. Después de la instalación, abra el reproductor de NOX. En la esquina derecha de la caja de herramientas, encontrará una opción de 'Agregar APK'. Haga clic en esa opción.
  4. Seleccione No volver a mostrar y haga clic en Sé.
  5. Debes elegir el APK de la ubicación descargada. Como lo guardé en el escritorio, elijo desde allí. (Si su archivo descargado está en el área de Descargas, seleccione .APK desde allí)
  6. Nox instalará automáticamente la aplicación. Ábrelo desde la pantalla de inicio del reproductor de la aplicación Nox.
  7. Luego se le preguntará si desea cambiar su ubicación de 'Mundial' a cualquier ubicación en particular. Inicialmente, elija la opción Más tarde.
  8. Ahora, está listo para usar la aplicación con algunos enlaces de sitios web preexistentes integrados en la aplicación.
  9. Nota: Use ESCAPE para regresar a la pantalla de inicio o puede usar los símbolos para operar BEEiNG: Unlimited Blind Date (Chat, Make Friends) en PC NOX app player.

Valoraciones y reseñas

3,7 de 5 - 37 votos


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